(03) 6264 3416
Shop 3-14, Main Street, Huonville, Tasmania, 7019

Treatment Options

Nail Surgery

Surgical procedures are commonly performed to treat recurrent nail problems such as ingrown nail. An ingrown toenail is a nail that has pierces (or is pressing against) the adjacent skin of the toe causing pain and inflammation and sometimes infection.

Surgery may be require when an ingrown toenail repeatedly gets infected, is continually painful, the sufferer is unable to wear shoes or the condition inhibits your lifestyle such as work, sporting or other activities.
One of the most common nail procedures is partial nail avulsion. The procedure is usually performed in our clinic and the patient is able to walk out immediately afterwards.


What does a partial nail avulsion involve? The procedure is generally performed under local anaesthetic via injection into the toe to numb the area. The anaesthetic will most often wear off in about two hours. Once numb, a tight elastic ring called tourniquet is applied to the toe to control bleeding and the area is prepped to minimise the risk of infection. The portion of nail to be removed is then gently lifted and removed. Both sides or the entire nail may be removed this way if needed. A chemical is applied to assist in preventing nail regrowth.
Once the procedure is completed, the tourniquet is removed and a sterile surgical dressing is applied. The patient is able to walk immediately afterwards, however assistance getting home is strongly recommended.
What happens after the procedure? Re-dressings at home and a few consultations with our team may be required following the procedure.
Minimal pain relief medication is required.
What are the potential complications? All nail procedures have been associated with a slight chance of recurrence. Infection whilst the wound is healing can be an issue. We can advise you and manage these and other complications that may occur.
All surgical procedures have some risk of complication; however this procedure is associated with a low rate of complications. 
How we can help you.

Regular visits can manage and prevent ingrown toenails, alleviate pain, and help keep your on your feet and mobile.

Follow up Appointments

A redress and check will advised 2-4 days after the procedure and again in 2 weeks.

Fungal Nail Treatment 



Specific podiatry treatment using sterilised equipment and is applied by a fully certified Podiatrist.

Prescription  Custom Foot Orthotics

Foot orthoses are shoe inserts designed to support, align or improve the function of the foot. They are commonly referred to as ‘orthotics’ and fit comfortably inside your shoes.


There are many different types of orthoses. The orthoses recommended by your podiatrist are prescription devices, custom-made to suit your individual needs and biomechanics (the way your body moves).

A good orthotic with flexible arch support and rearfoot posting is an effective device to reduce the over-pronation and allow the condition to heal.

Every time your foot strikes the ground, the plantar fascia is stretched. You can reduce the strain and stress on the plantar fascia by wearing shoes and orthotics that support your arch to prevent over-stretching of the plantar fascia.


What is it?
Prolotherapy is a very promising and successful medically researched treatment utilised to repair soft tissue to heal injuries involving tendons, ligaments, muscles, nerves and cartilage. This simple technique is a quick, easy, safe, fast acting and cost effective treatment used to increase strength, mobility and to relieve pain.

Prolotherapy is minimally invasive natural solution of glucose and local anesthetic that is injected into the damaged soft tissue causing a local inflammatory process to stimulate the body's natural healing mechanism, resulting in the deposition of new collagen to aid regeneration and assist pain.

In Short
Prolotherapy is one of the latest and most promising medically researched treatments in the regeneration and repair of soft tissues to heal injuries involving tendons, ligaments, muscles and cartilage. It’s safe, effective and non-surgical, assisting the body’s natural healing mechanisms.


Conditions Prolotherapy help:
  • Ankle injuries and pain - chronic & Acute
  • Morton's Neuroma
  • Many foot conditions
  • Heel pain
  • Achilles Teniopathy
  • Osteoarthritis of the knee, ankle and foot

Prolotherapy is best used in combination with other treatment modalities such as strapping, orthotics, specific stretching & strengthening and foot mobilisation for the most effective healing response.

How many treatments?

The amount of injections required varies depending on the degree and location of the injury / degeneration and each individuals response to healing. Usually a series of 2 to 6 treatments are required however some patient may only require a single treatment and many patients receive relief after the first treatment, even if further treatments are required.

The spacing of treatments can vary from weeks to months, however 1 to 2 weeks apart is most common.

How effective is it? Treatments for sports injuries are sometimes more successful because often these patients are younger, fitter and eating better. As we age we usually require more treatments and in such cases the patient may need to return in a few years for another course. The good news is, even patients in their 80’s are gaining significant benefits in reduced pain and increased capacity.
Other information about Prolotherapy

No aspirin, other anti-inflammatory drugs or liniments should be used whilst having prolotherapy, as they can reduce the healing process.

Connective tissue can take 3 months to heal therefore patients will be encouraged to use supplements. These nutrients are very important to encourage good health and repair soft tissues and may be prescribed to assist with healing. The most common are:

  • Vitamin C (makes strong connective tissue, helps healing)
  • Manganese (as chelate) - (essential for discs, cartilage)
  • Zinc (usually as chelate) - (wound healing, important for new protein)

Please note: Prolotherapy is not appropriate for everyone. At Southern Tas Podiatry Clinic we have a number of therapies available, and you and your podiatrist will work together to determine the most appropriate treatment.

Foot Mobilisation Therapy (FMT)

Foot Mobilisation Technique is a treatment that uses gentle, pain free mobilisation of specific foot and ankle joints that may have become stiff and lack normal movement. Regular FMT aims to gradually restore proper movement and get the feet working the way they should. When your feet function correctly, everything works better!


FMT works best when it is combined with stretching and strengthening exercises and, at Pioneer Podiatry, we often use it in conjunction with Custom Orthotic Therapy for improving treatment results.

Dry Needling

Dry needling is an effective treatment used to treat musculoskeletal pain. Once musculoskeletal pain becomes chronic, it is often associated with tender ‘trigger’ points usually situated in the muscle belly, muscle insertion, muscle-tendon junction or fascia; and are ususally tender to massage and as a result restrict movement in the joints as well. Dry Needling can release these “Tender Spots” or Trigger points and allow the muscle tension to release. If you have foot or leg pain, you may benefit from dry needling.


The benefits of dry needling include:
  • Pain relief
  • Increase muscle length
  • Improve muscle recruitment / firing pattern
  • Often less painful than massage therapy
  • Improves sleep and relaxation

Dry needling is often used in conjunction with other treatments. It is important to release trigger points, reduce pain and improve range of motion, but then it is also important to strengthen the affected area to reduce the likelihood of the pain returning.

Common symptoms that benefit from dry needling include:
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Forefoot pain (Morton’s Neuroma, intermetatarsal bursitis, Capsulitis)
  • Calf strain
  • Shin pain
  • Tried and stiff feet
  • Achilles tendon pain
  • Post-ankle sprain

Footwear Prescription

It can be hard to get good footwear advice. Sometimes you walk into a shoe shop to see a huge wall with hundreds of different styles, designs, and colours. How do you make the right decision for your feet, your sport, your job, your life?


Come and see us, the foot health experts, for a full assessment and footwear prescription. We have a range of footwear and a great network of great footwear suppliers and we can source specific shoes for difficult feet.

Other treatments we offer:

Strapping and padding

Massage and trigger point release

Stretching & strengthening Programs

Please call today for an appointment.